When this blessing knocks at your door
You will not want to let it in.
Quite the contrary:
You will pretend not to hear it.
If it keeps knocking,
You will tell it to get lost.
Blessings that come without warning
Seldom turn out to be real blessings
But more often distractions
Or even dangers.
One invites a blessing
Or so you believe.

But this blessing is different
Because its unannounced arrival
Is precisely what makes it a blessing.
It wants to catch you off guard,
To slip in the door before you can slam it shut again,
To have you experience it without your defenses in place.

If you can do that,
If you can open the door to this blessing,
If you can invite it to come inside
Without having prepared for it
Then you may know the blessing
Of what you never imagined possible
But have so longed for.